
In its operation RMK is guided by the following principles:

  • In managing the forest, we are guided by international forest standards, being fully compliant in our activity with the requirements of the FSC standard and taking into account the requirements of the PEFC standard as extensively as possible.
  • In view of the need for environmental protection, we manage the forest in a manner that guarantees the regeneration ability of the forest and the improvement of its health condition. When performing our work, we use environmentally friendly tools and operating principles in the state forest and require the implementation of these from all our cooperation partners.
  • Parts of forest have different purposes of use; keeping these in mind we will always find environmentally friendly management techniques and guarantee their expert implementation.
  • We use the forest resource of the state in a versatile manner and in such a way and to such an extent that will guarantee the preservation of the biological versatility of forest communities.
  • We ensure the permanent preservation of the forest, by keeping the cutting volume below that of the undergrowth.
  • In order to reproduce the viable forest resource, we organise the growing of local planting material in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • We promote nature conservation, education and tourism in order to ensure the preservation of natural features on state forest lands and an increase in the interest in the natural environment of the population and in its environmental awareness.
  • We distribute versatile information, to increase the environmental awareness of our staff and partners, hold training sessions and provide consultation.
  • We manage all assets held by RMK in an environmentally sustainable manner.
  • We link the environmental management of our organisation with the rest of our daily activities via joint information system and share environmental responsibility amongst all employees.