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Dinner at the Sagadi manor house 8.06
Arno Mikkor
More pictures in the DINNER GALLERY.

Tallinn Airport 8.06; People Online in Võsu 9.06; Management Online in Metsanurga 9.06; Conservation Online 9.06
Mihkel Merimaa

People Online in Võsu 9.06; Conservation Online in Viru bog 9.06; Management Online 9.06,; lunch 9.06
Liina Karrofeldt

Conservation Online in Viru bog 9.06
Hardo Becker

Behind the scene 9.06
Kristi Parro

VIDEO Management Online, Metsanurga 9.06; Knowledge is the key 10.06
Ulvar Kaubi

Dinner at Oandu 9.06
Arno Mikkor
Pictures in the DINNER GALLERY.