11.11.2008 - Winners Declared in RMK Public Procurement for Timber Transport Services 04.10

For the tender for the purchase of 38 timber transport services announced by the State Forest Management Centre (RMK) in June, 517 bids were received from 58 different bidders, of which 30 bidders were declared successful.

“As of today, contracts have been concluded with all the bidders declared successful,” said Rainer Laigu, chief forestry management officer at RMK. The criterion for evaluating success was the lowest price. The total cost of the successful bids for timber transport that are being purchased totalled approximately BEEK 1.74, MEEK 160 less than initially planned.

The basis for payment for timber transport will be the distance travelled by the timber truck. “The contracts also specify the methodology for the amendment of the price, which considers, amongst other things, changes in the price of fuel, and in the case of its continued decline, the total cost may work out to be lower,” Rainer Laigu added.

All timber trucks providing the service to RMK must be equipped with global positioning hardware and software to ensure the tracking of the location of timber trucks. That way an RMK staff member can see at any time where a timber truck is and check where it has travelled previously.

“From now on, it will be easier for RMK’s customers to communicate with us, since all the trucks providing the service to RMK will be equipped with a computer allowing the transmission of the measurement and place of origin data of a load in real time”, Rainer Laigu explained. The timber trucks must also have a navigating device enabling the driver to locate the timber landing by himself, based on the coordinates.

In 2008, RMK is planning to sell 2.4 million cubic metres of timber; in 2009, this figure will be 2.5 million. Approximately 100 000 loads of felled timber will be delivered from state forests to clients.

RMK is a profit-making state agency founded by virtue of the Forest Act and its principal function is to manage state forests economically and effectively. In addition, RMK creates opportunities for forest recreation in Estonia’s state forests and shapes awareness about the natural environment. RMK manages 38% of Estonia’s forests.

Further information:
Rainer Laigu
Specialist of RMK Forest Management
Telephone: +372 510 1411
E-mail: rainer.laigurmk.ee