13.05.2008 - The cultural heritage map application was completed by the Land Board 10.10
Cultural heritage is the footprints left on the landscape by the lives and activities of our ancestors, by the lives, circumstances, work and activities of previous generations. In the realm of nature, and sometimes also as a result of treatment arising as a result of the unawareness of people, signs are destroyed over time, which is why, above all, the informing of people about their existence is necessary for their preservation.
In the period 2005-2007, within the framework of the INTERREG IIIa projects “Inventory and protection of cultural heritage in forestry” and “Rendering nature tourism important in cultural heritage and forestry”, cultural heritage sites have been discovered and described, and land owners and local governments have been notified of cultural heritage sites located on their property currently in four counties – Harju, Järva, Lääne and Rapla.
In the following projects currently under development, it is planned to begin inventorying cultural heritage in cooperation with the Latvians in Põlva, Valga and Võru Counties and in cooperation with the Finns in Ida- and Lääne-Viru Counties. The objective is to inventory all counties and present a description in the form of a map application.
Cultural heritage sites surrounding us, information describing them and photographic materials can be examined in the map application. Please see http://xgis.maaamet.ee/.
Further information on cultural heritage can be found on this page: http://www.metsaselts.ee/index.php/page,parandkultuur
Additional information:
Vaike Pommer
RMK Planning Specialist
+372 676 7838, +372 513 3838
E-mail: vaike.pommerrmk.ee