Nearly 10,000 Christmas trees were taken from the state forest 07.01

Despite the lack of snow, Estonian’s are continuing to keep the tradition of bringing home a spruce tree from the forest alive. Last Christmas, a total of 9727 Christmas trees were taken from the state forest.

I am delighted that so many people and their families found their way to the state forest at Christmas, finding not only Christmas trees but also well-maintained forests, which we are working on each day to preserve and cultivate for future generations’, said Andres Sepp, RMK’s Chief Forester.

The opportunity to bring home a Christmas tree began at the beginning of December, at which time the first Christmas trees already found their way to people’s homes. The most fruitful time for collecting spruces is traditionally right before the holiday, which also fell on a weekend last year. The most commonly purchased were 1-2 metre spruces, which comprised more than 50% of the purchased spruces. Over 80% of fir purchases were made with a mobile payment.

For its part, RMK is gifting Christmas trees to all substitute homes that want one. This year, more than 60 spruces were delivered to substitute homes by the employees of RMK. Christmas trees from the state forest also decorated the rooms of several non-profit organisations.

RMK has been offering the opportunity to take a Christmas tree home from the state forest since 2008. Last year, about 9700 spruces were also taken home from the state forest. The sale of Christmas trees is not a way for RMK to earn money, but instead an opportunity to call on people to visit nature during the winter and give their contribution towards helping keep an old tradition alive.

Christmas trees may only be cut down when they stand no chance of growing to maturity: along the edges of roads and ditches, under overhead power lines and under old forest. Finding the right spruce spots and paying for the Christmas tree is made easier via the map on RMK’s website and the updated RMK mobile app. The mobile app shows the locations of state forest areas, allowing you to determine your location and pay for a suitable Christmas tree.