Sale of residuals
Theoretically, cutting residuals make up 15 – 20% of all logging; of that, the proportion of harvested cutting residuals is approximately 12% (a harvesting location needs to have a supply of at least 40 m³ and a reserve of a minimum of 30 m³/ha), with the proportion of cutting residuals sold, adjusted for season, is estimated at approximately 8% (depending on the soil and the condition of the roads).
Under this model, RMK would have the potential to sell up to 320 000 m³ of cutting residuals a year. Due to forest protection restrictions and the limit of economic efficiency, the entire volume cannot be exploited. RMK has estimated the volume achievable in harvesting cutting residuals at approximately 150 000 m³ a year. Majority of cutting residuals are chipped and sold primarily to companies involved in production of heat and/or electricity in Estonia.
Tapping the entire volume of cutting residuals and brush presupposes a sufficient quantity of consumers and the location of the point of consumption as close to the resources as possible. Furthermore, the availability of access roads and long-term storage facilities are important.
Independent harvesting of cutting residuals
From RMK’s clear cuts, cutting residuals may be also harvested for firewood. Cutting residuals are branches and trunk parts lying on the ground in a clear cut area, whilst stump logs are timber produced when stumps are cut down.
Since clear cutting is always followed by reforestation, the time limit for a buyer to harvest cuttings residuals is tight, 30 calendar days at the most.
For a consumer, the cost of harvesting cutting residuals from the state forest is in clear cut and thinning areas EUR 115 per hectare and in other harvesting areas EUR 138 per hectare, to which value added tax will be added. Those wishing to make a purchase are invited to kindly email request to